During the past year, my clients and I have achieved truly outstanding LSAT results (to say nothing of admissions and financial aid results that come partly from their LSAT results and partly as the result of putting together outstanding application packages and admissions/financial aid strategies).
From start to finish, my clients have averaged increased scores of over 13 points and over 42 percentiles. That means that, on average, they have passed nearly half of everyone who was in front of them when they started. Increases of around those numbers on an annual basis have been hallmarks of Advise-In Solutions since we started in 2010.
The fact that these increases are averages actually underestimates the impact in many cases; those who started at a higher point didn’t have 40 percentiles to improve, since they already started above the 60th percentile.
These results show what I’ve always said—the LSAT is a predictable test and in that way is unlike other so-called standardized tests—whether the GRE, the SAT, the ACT or any others. That means that if you focus on the limited universe of material that you need to master, and do it in the most straightforward jargon-free way, you can make a lot of progress, improving your admissions and financial aid prospects markedly as a result.
I’m very happy with these results, though not, I suspect, as happy as my clients, who understood that their investment in terrific LSAT preparation with someone as committed to their success as they are (as distinct from a simple algorithm that leaves them on their own) was well worth it. It is old-school; it also works.