Former British prime minister and noted novelist Benjamin Disraeli is often credited with saying, “Change is inevitable. Change is constant.” I may not care much for his politics, but I always found it an admirable admission from someone so well-known for his staunch conservatism. It is a pragmatic outlook on life that I have come to not only embrace but celebrate myself. And so, it is with excitement that I share the news of big changes. As of today, TiLT has a new name, a new look, and a brand new home. Under the new moniker of informed.JD, my blog and I have joined the LexBlog platform!
As passionate as I am about being a librarian, and as active as I have been in this industry over the last 20+ years, I can honestly say that I do not know how long I have been blogging. I can attest, however, with great certainty that change has been a recurring theme throughout my years of pontificating and proselytizing about the value of libraries and information. Change has indeed been a constant throughout my career and I am not the least bit hesitant to say that it has usually led me to exciting new chapters in my professional growth and development.
LexBlog is a change agent. It is leading the way towards meaningful change in how our industry shares information, news, and best practices. Featuring a massive clearinghouse of original and curated content, they have already brought together over 20,000 legal bloggers and writers from every corner of the profession. As Jean O’Grady noted in her excellent review of the platform last September, the impressive list of contributors includes, “lawyers, law professors, law librarians, law students, legal-industry executives, legal marketers, legal consultants, legal technologists and others, providing news, insights and analysis on virtually every legal and practice topic.” LexBlog and its contributors have created a powerful resource for insights and expertise. I am delighted to join those ranks.
Why the name change and why “informed.JD”? Well, first and foremost, I am blogging solo once again. While I have enjoyed my many collaborations with other editors and writers, the time has come for me to re-establish my own singular voice in this industry. The new name of the blog is a play on my name, my professional degrees, and my love of information. In a nutshell, it encompasses me, my message, and my passion. At this stage of my career, I am ready to become my own brand and I am hoping that you will come along with me.
Over the years, I have launched blogs like iBraryGuy, On Firmer Ground (now part of AALL), and TiLTlegal. Starting TODAY, I hope you will show the same love to informed.JD that you have to the others. It is has been and continues to be an honor to provide my own running commentary on legal research and intelligence, legal technology, and what it means to be an information professional in the midst of it all. I cannot thank you enough for your support over the years.
From here on out, you can find me and my blog at http://theinformedjd.com. For the next few months, my old URL (http://tiltlegal.com) will also direct to the new blog. You will also be able to find me on Twitter (@informedJD) and a Facebook page is in the works. Can’t wait to see you there!