In this episode, Alay and Gary discuss: 

  • Perception of leadership and authority. 
  • Building relationships for purposes other than growing your business. 
  • Leveraging your role as a parent for business development.
  • Referring business between other lawyers, including your competition. 


Key Takeaways: 

  • You’re not pushing your business card on everyone you meet. Talk about what you do and its value for your clients – that is where the power is. 
  • Focus on serving, not selling. As you serve those in your community, it is not manipulation to talk about what you do and how you serve others. 
  • When speaking, give the audience specific takeaways. It will make what you say memorable and show value to your audience. 
  • You don’t have to be everything to everyone to be a trusted individual in your field. Referring those who aren’t the right fit for you to others will help to build those connections and relationships. 


Tweetable Moments:

  • “As a leader, you should be a servant. You should be doing servant leadership. You should be helping other people out.” —  Gary Johnson
  • “[When volunteering] do not make the mistake of just showing up and doing your work…then you’re out of there. Connect with the other parents that you’re working with.” —  Alay Yajnik 
  • “Connection is the most important thing that you can do with people.” —  Gary Johnson
  • “Talk about why you became an attorney, talk about your journey as an attorney in your early experiences, and some of the most emotional cases that you’ve handled, and see what happens to that room. There is a reason why there are so many movies, books, and TV shows about the law. It is dramatic, it is interesting, it is powerful, and it is meaningful.” —  Alay Yajnik


Episode References: 


About Gary Johnson:

Imagine getting 5X more referrals whether you are an introvert or extrovert…it doesn’t matter.  At J2 Marketing, we coach attorneys on how to build a robust book of business with ideal clients.  There is a lot of confusion in marketing a legal practice…we take the confusion out,  to save attorneys time and money with the most profitable strategies that are tailored to their strengths…instead of to someone else’s.


Connect with Gary Johnson: 






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