Davide De Vido is an Italian lawyer with significant expertise in commercial and company law consultancy and disputes. In 2000, Davide started his career as an in-house counsel for a leading industrial group in the production and sale of building materials, gaining experience in complex transactions and corporate dispute resolution.

Subsequently, he assumed the same role for a leading company in the field of production and sale of eyewear, and after these two experiences, Davide founded his own law boutique.

In 2019, Davide entered in the litigation funding industry and founded FiDeAL®

Company Name and Description: FiDeAL® is a full consultancy company of litigation finance (funding and insurance) solutions that works across Europe with a particular focus on the Italian legal market.

We assist those seeking financial solutions to pursue single cases, and also help create portfolio claims. We collaborate with law firms, associations, other NG organizations, companies and litigation funds or investors to structure complex projects.

Last June, through collaboration with expert and university professors, FiDeAL has established its environmental, climatic, and ESG law department to offer the highest level of expertise in preparing, structuring, and conducting in-depth legal and economic analyses of projects, making the funding process more efficient and effective.

Company Websitewww.fideal.it

Year Founded:  2019

Headquarters:  31020 San Vendemiano (Treviso), Italy

Area of Focus: Advising and brokering all types of litigation finance related matters. Since June 2024, FiDeAL has been working in environmental/climate/ESG law to help protect the planet and improve people’s quality of life and business relations.

Member Quote: We dream of a world where access to justice is democratized and easily accessible globally for each individual, company or entity.