
Chris is the co-leader of the Consumer Financial Services Regulatory practice at the firm. He advises financial services institutions facing state and federal government investigations…

Chris is the co-leader of the Consumer Financial Services Regulatory practice at the firm. He advises financial services institutions facing state and federal government investigations and examinations, counseling them on compliance issues including UDAP/UDAAP, credit reporting, debt collection, and fair lending, and defending them in individual and class action lawsuits brought by consumers and enforcement actions brought by government agencies.

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On Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ordered the tolling of compliance deadlines for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB or Bureau) Small Business Lending Data Collection final rule under Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act (the 1071 Rule). As we previously reported here, the CFPB had asked the appeals court for a pause last Monday to allow the new administration time to consider its position on the 1071 Rule. The CFPB also conveyed that it did not object to the plaintiff trade associations’ earlier motion to toll compliance deadlines, a change-of-position that led to Friday’s order.


Chris is the co-leader of the Consumer Financial Services Regulatory practice at the firm. He advises financial services institutions facing state and federal government investigations…

Chris is the co-leader of the Consumer Financial Services Regulatory practice at the firm. He advises financial services institutions facing state and federal government investigations and examinations, counseling them on compliance issues including UDAP/UDAAP, credit reporting, debt collection, and fair lending, and defending them in individual and class action lawsuits brought by consumers and enforcement actions brought by government agencies.

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