
Frank Zarb is a partner in the Corporate Department, where he concentrates his practice on regulatory matters under the U.S. federal securities laws, as well…

Frank Zarb is a partner in the Corporate Department, where he concentrates his practice on regulatory matters under the U.S. federal securities laws, as well as on equity finance transactions regulated under those laws.

He counsels public and private companies, broker-dealers, hedge funds, as well as other investors, on a wide range of transactional and securities regulatory compliance matters

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Following its adoption almost one year ago of amended rules accelerating filing deadlines for Schedules 13G and 13D (and the imminent effectiveness of the new deadlines for 13Gs), the SEC has continued to bring enforcement cases focusing on the timing of initial filings, amendments, and transitions from Schedule 13G to 13D, as well as Section


Frank Zarb is a partner in the Corporate Department, where he concentrates his practice on regulatory matters under the U.S. federal securities laws, as well…

Frank Zarb is a partner in the Corporate Department, where he concentrates his practice on regulatory matters under the U.S. federal securities laws, as well as on equity finance transactions regulated under those laws.

He counsels public and private companies, broker-dealers, hedge funds, as well as other investors, on a wide range of transactional and securities regulatory compliance matters

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