
Jodi Daniel is a partner in Crowell & Moring's Health Care Group and a member of the group’s Steering Committee. She is also a director…

Jodi Daniel is a partner in Crowell & Moring's Health Care Group and a member of the group’s Steering Committee. She is also a director at C&M International (CMI), an international policy and regulatory affairs consulting firm affiliated with Crowell & Moring. She leads the firm's Digital Health Practice and provides strategic, legal, and policy advice to all types of health care and technology clients navigating the dynamic regulatory environment related to technology in the health care sector to help them achieve their business goals. Jodi is a contributor to the Uniform Law Commission Telehealth Committee, which drafts and proposes uniform state laws related to telehealth services, including the definition of telehealth, formation of the doctor-patient relationship via telehealth, creation of a registry for out-of-state physicians, insurance coverage and payment parity, and administrative barriers to entity formation.

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center (the Innovation Center) published its data-sharing strategy, which seeks to further enable data sharing while ensuring proper security, risk management, and privacy obligations. The strategy outlines the Innovation Center’s approach to identifying data sharing needs across Innovation Center models and highlights the importance of data in developing and testing innovative healthcare payment and service delivery models.


Jodi Daniel is a partner in Crowell & Moring's Health Care Group and a member of the group’s Steering Committee. She is also a director…

Jodi Daniel is a partner in Crowell & Moring's Health Care Group and a member of the group’s Steering Committee. She is also a director at C&M International (CMI), an international policy and regulatory affairs consulting firm affiliated with Crowell & Moring. She leads the firm's Digital Health Practice and provides strategic, legal, and policy advice to all types of health care and technology clients navigating the dynamic regulatory environment related to technology in the health care sector to help them achieve their business goals. Jodi is a contributor to the Uniform Law Commission Telehealth Committee, which drafts and proposes uniform state laws related to telehealth services, including the definition of telehealth, formation of the doctor-patient relationship via telehealth, creation of a registry for out-of-state physicians, insurance coverage and payment parity, and administrative barriers to entity formation.

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