
Louis Rambo is an associate in the Corporate Department and a member of the Capital Markets Group. He concentrates his practice on regulatory matters under…

Louis Rambo is an associate in the Corporate Department and a member of the Capital Markets Group. He concentrates his practice on regulatory matters under the federal securities laws and advises companies on general corporate and transactional issues, including public disclosure, federal and state proxy requirements, debt and equity securities transactions, business combinations and corporate and board governance. Prior to joining the Firm, Louis served as an attorney in the division of corporation finance with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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In this alert, we reflect on recent climate reporting updates and analyze expectations for 2025 that are relevant for international businesses.

The global landscape is becoming increasingly uncertain in relation to climate reporting following litigation and a change of management at the SEC in the U.S., an expected rise of Blue State climate reporting requirements


Louis Rambo is an associate in the Corporate Department and a member of the Capital Markets Group. He concentrates his practice on regulatory matters under…

Louis Rambo is an associate in the Corporate Department and a member of the Capital Markets Group. He concentrates his practice on regulatory matters under the federal securities laws and advises companies on general corporate and transactional issues, including public disclosure, federal and state proxy requirements, debt and equity securities transactions, business combinations and corporate and board governance. Prior to joining the Firm, Louis served as an attorney in the division of corporation finance with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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