Our last post detailed cases of member countries abusing or attempting to abuse INTERPOL to target specific journalists. Those cases are not at all unique; INTERPOL abuse by its member countries has been documented for years. Turkey and Brazil are not the only offenders. Egyptian officials have sought Red Notices against journalists repeatedly, as reported
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Brazil, Turkey and Nigeria- examples of INTERPOL member countries abusing Red Notices to target journalists
China: INTERPOL Red Notice abuse and government seizing assets (Post 2 of 2)
Global Entry Cards, Visas, and INTERPOL Red Notices- Post 2 of 2
Global Entry Cards, Visas, and Red Notices- Post 1 of 2
China: INTERPOL Red Notice abuse in cases of wealthy business owners and dissidents (Post 1 of 2)
INTERPOL: Washington, D.C.- International Law Section, National Security Committee and the ABA Criminal Justice Section seminar excerpts
Brazil: INTERPOL’s Executive Committee recommends Valdecy Urquiza as the Organization’s Next Secretary General (Post 2 of 2)
Brazil: INTERPOL’s Executive Committee recommends Valdecy Urquiza as its next Secretary General (Post 1 of 2)
Join us on July 22 for a panel on the latest developments in INTERPOL’s fight against transnational repression
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