Advise-In Solutions LLC

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Latest from Advise-In Solutions LLC

The Law School Admission Council has managed to save the April LSAT by moving it to May and introducing a remote format they are calling “LSAT-Flex.” Anyone registered for the April test should obviously be thoroughly familiar with what LSAC is doing. So, should anyone schedule for tests throughout the summer. The most complete information

One reason regulation gets a bad name is because of regulatory hypocrisy.  The American Bar Association’s logo banners: “Defending Liberty Pursuing Justice.”  I guess you have to ask “for whom?”
The ABA will bring to a full vote in August its proposal—approved by relevant committees of, well, the ABA—to “eliminate the requirement of a ‘valid

During the past year, my clients and I have achieved truly outstanding LSAT results (to say nothing of admissions and financial aid results that come partly from their LSAT results and partly as the result of putting together outstanding application packages and admissions/financial aid strategies).
From start to finish, my clients have averaged increased scores