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Written thought leadership isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, but your firm should be thinking about creating multimedia thought leadership

You already know that written thought leadership is a tried-and-true way to position attorneys as knowledgeable and wise about the areas of law they practice and the industries they serve.

The attorneys who regularly publish relevant,

If you want to build a following through your thought leadership content, you need to respect the people consuming that content. Here are five ways you’re doing the opposite.

Building an audience by publishing thought leadership content isn’t just about sharing the knowledge, wisdom, and insights you have.

It’s about presenting that knowledge and wisdom

Thought leadership content focused on your clients’ issues can be a more effective tool than thought leadership content focused on timely legal developments.

Most law firms’ thought leadership strategy is driven by marketing.

But a thought leadership strategy driven by business development can be more effective.

Marketing-driven thought leadership content versus business development-driven thought leadership

There’s a more effective—and versatile—tool for showcasing your law firm’s successful representations than case studies.

Want to effectively show off your law firm’s recent client successes?

Stop writing cringe self-promotional case studies and start writing thought leadership articles that explain how the firm secured those successes.

Case studies are a flawed tool

Case studies have

Research suggests clients are willing to pay a premium to work with law firms that consistently produce merely “good” thought leadership.

Does your law firm want to charge clients premium rates for its services?

If so, your firm’s thought leadership might hold the key.

According to recently released research, if your firm produces merely “good”