
Author: Shahlar Ibadzade, LLM in Saarland University: Europa-Institut – European and International law, 2019-2022
Editor: Tofig Shahniyarov, MPA at ADA University, 2020-2022, Doctor of Philosophy – PhD at Middlesex University
In the first part of the article, the EU Internal Market is being discussed. As a single market, the activities within the European Union

Author: Shahlar Ibadzade, LLM in Saarland University: Europa-Institut – European and International law, 2019-2022
Editor: Tofig Shahniyarov, MPA at ADA University, 2020-2022, Doctor of Philosophy – PhD at Middlesex University
The article describes one of the alternative dispute resolution mechanisms – mediation. The main focus is on the historical background of the Mediation Institute

Author: Ibrahim Kaunda, Masters of Law and Legal Practice Course at the University of Law in London, 2022-2023.
Editor: Danai Daisy Chirawu, Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Human Rights Policy & Practice (2021-2023), The University of Gothenburg, University of Deusto, University of Roehampton & The Arctic University of Norway, Bachelor of Laws (With Honours) (LLBS)

The law is a stable regulator of public relations, but at the same time, it is very flexible, because it keeps up with the times and is changed, supplemented, and specified. In the age of technology development, which permeates all types of life activities of individuals, it is impossible not to note the growing

Author: Nafisatu Wiafe Ansah, LLB University of Padova, 2015-2016
Legal Editor: Bader Kabbani, LLM International Commercial and Economic Law, SOAS, University of London, 2020-2021
Misconduct and illicit activities can cause significant damage to victims, including public, governmental, and private entities. One effective way to discourage wrongdoing within organizations is through the implementation of effective

Author: Öznur Uğuz, MSc in European Economy and Business Law at the Tor Vergata University of Rome, 2021-2023
Legal Editor: Bader Kabbani, LLM International Commercial and Economic Law, SOAS, University of London, 2020-2021
Recent advancements in technology and innovation combined with the accelerating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the digitalisation movement have

Author: Ibrahim Kaunda, Masters of Law and Legal Practice Course at the University of Law in London, 2022-2023.
Editor: Danai Daisy Chirawu, Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Human Rights Policy & Practice (2021-2023), The University of Gothenburg, University of Deusto, University of Roehampton & The Arctic University of Norway, Bachelor of Laws (With Honours) (LLBS)

Author: Narmin Huseynzada, LLB, Baku State University, 2016-2020
Editor: Bader Kabbani, LLM International Commercial and Economic Law, SOAS, University of London, 2020-2021
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA), protects online service providers from liability for third-party’s content. Although there are some exceptions to this rule, generally, service providers enjoy broad immunity

Author: Nafisatu Wiafe Ansah, LLB University of Padova, 2015-2016
Legal Editor: Bader Kabbani, LLM International Commercial and Economic Law, SOAS, University of London, 2020-2021
With the use, evolution and, sometimes, over-reliance on technology, more people, and businesses (even governmental institutions) are making heavy use of technology and cyberspace, not only to conduct their businesses