Legal Hackers

By our Member, Georgia Veroutsou


Human Resource Management (HRM) is a critical function in organizations, responsible for recruiting, developing, and retaining employees. With the rapid growth of data in recent years, HR professionals have access to more information than ever before. The use of Big Data technology in HRM can provide insights that

¡¡¡Volvemos a vernos presencialmente!!!!
Y será para hablar con expertos en Ciberseguridad y en Inteligencia Jurídica sobre el panorama actual, comentar los últimos acontecimientos relevantes y conocer sus visiones sobre cómo afecta a los Estados y a su defensa los ataques informáticos.
Contaremos con la participación de:
* Silvia Rubio de Molina – Directora

After a long time away, join us in the kitchen as we discuss the latest developments in tech law and policy; at both the legislative and regulatory level.

This Thursday, 14th October 2021 join our new team of co – organizers on Google Meet as we review and assess these new policy instruments and evaluate

Hi, @everyone! There is a possibility to make Open Data Day 2022 (March 4-6th, basically 5th) focused to open law. I had received a very positive feedback for this idea from Open Knowledge Foundation(OKF). BUT, to make this happen we have to decide, do we want it, and do we participate in it or not.

Hague Institute for Innovation of Law (HiiL) East Africa is looking for game-changing innovative enterprises in the region that are resolving or preventing justice or legal related problems.
HiiL is looking for innovative businesses that are already showing measurable impact, have the potential to become financially sustainable, and have the plans and ambition to scale

Γράφει το μέλος μας, Κυριάκος Αλέξιος Εφραίμ Γατουρτζίδης, φοιτητής Νομικής Δ.Π.Θ.

Με τον Κανονισμό (ΕΕ) 679/2016 (εφεξής “Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία των Προσωπικών Δεδομένων” ή “GDPR”) κατοχυρώνεται μεταξύ άλλων ένα θεμελιώδες δικαίωμα κάθε Ευρωπαίου πολίτη – απόρροια του δικαιώματός του στην προσωπικότητα συν τοις άλλοις – το δικαίωμα στη λήθη (άρθρο 17 GDPR). Έκφανση