With its ruling n. 258 published on December 16 (Risposta n. 258_2024), the Italian Tax Agency ruled on the tax classification and treatment of three trusts created in the United States under the laws of the State of Texas. The settlor was an American citizen who passed away. The trustee is a Texas-based
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Italy’s Individual Tax Residency Rules: A Review After the Reform
In Italy, the legislation on the determination of tax residency for natural persons (individual taxpayers) changed in 2024. The most significant changes concern the new definition of “domicile”, which is one of the four alternative criteria used to determine personal tax residency for income tax purposes, and the enactment of the new physical presence rule. …
Trust termination by mutual consent triggers no tax, settlor regains title to trust assets, Italian Tax Agency rules
With Ruling n. 165 issued on August 8, 2024, the Italian Tax Administration ruled on a matter in which a trust was terminated by mutual agreement of the settlor, trustees, and current beneficiaries. The trust had been organized under the laws of Jersey as an irrevocable trust. Jersey law allowed a beneficiary to permanently renounce…
Italys’ Register of Trusts In Effect, First Filing Due By December 11, 2023
On October 9, 2023, the last Ministerial Decree required for the final implementation of Italy’s Register of Trusts was published, and the Register of Trusts is now in effect. The initial filing deadline is December 11, 2023. The filing in the Register is required for domestic trusts, private foundations, and similar legal arrangements, defined as…
Italys’ Register of Trusts In Effect, First Filing Due By December 11, 2023
On October 9, 2023, the last Ministerial Decree required for the final implementation of Italy’s Register of Trusts was published, and the Register of Trusts is now in effect. The initial filing deadline is December 11, 2023. The filing in the Register is required for domestic trusts, private foundations, and similar legal arrangements, defined as…
Italy plans to repeal special tax regime for new resident workers, professional and entrepreneurs from 2024
On October 16, the Council of Ministers approved a legislative proposal that will repeal the special tax regime for new resident workers, entrepreneurs, and professionals with effect from January 1, 2024.
The special regime, enacted in its final form in 2020, allows Italian and foreign nationals who establish their tax residence in Italy while not…
Is There a Change of Course On Split Tax Residence Year? Italian Tax Agency Rules That Italy-Switzerland Tax Treaty’s Part-Year Tax Resident Provision Prevails Over Domestic Law, Refers to OECD Commentary In Support
In its ruling n. 370 issued on July 4, 2023, the Italian Tax Agency concluded that in a case of a change of tax residency during the year, the treaty provision according to which the change of tax residence takes effect on the day of the transfer out of Italy to the foreign country is…
Is There a Change of Course On Split Tax Residence Year? Italian Tax Agency Rules That Italy-Switzerland Tax Treaty’s Part-Year Tax Resident Provision Prevails Over Domestic Law, Refers to OECD Commentary In Support
In its ruling n. 370 issued on July 4, 2023, the Italian Tax Agency concluded that in a case of a change of tax residency during the year, the treaty provision according to which the change of tax residence takes effect on the day of the transfer out of Italy to the foreign country is…
Italian Taxation of Trusts: U.S. Complex Trust Meets Italy’s Anti-Abuse Rule, Distributions of Trust Income to Italian Trust Beneficiaries Not Taxable In Italy

The Italian Tax Agency’s Ruling n. 309 of April 28, 2023 (Risposta-n.-309_2023-1.pdf) deals with the issue of taxation to Italian beneficiaries of income distributions from a U.S. trust.
Under Italy’s tax law, trusts with identified income beneficiaries are treated as fiscally transparent, and the beneficiaries are taxed on their share of the…
Italian Taxation of Trusts: U.S. Complex Trust Meets Italy’s Anti-Abuse Rule, Distributions of Trust Income to Italian Trust Beneficiaries Not Taxable In Italy

The Italian Tax Agency’s Ruling n. 309 of April 28, 2023 (Risposta-n.-309_2023-1.pdf) deals with the issue of taxation to Italian beneficiaries of income distributions from a U.S. trust.
Under Italy’s tax law, trusts with identified income beneficiaries are treated as fiscally transparent, and the beneficiaries are taxed on their share of the…