McDonough Media LLC

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In my many years covering legal services and access-to-justice issues, the perspective shared by LSC President Emeritus James Sandman continues to resonate. He emphasizes again and again how important it is for legal services providers to collaborate with the communities they aim to reach. This co-location, almost embedded approach, is sure to draw my attention, which

Justice buses are back on the road in Ohio, making their way across the Buckeye State to: learn about the legal needs of local communities and then, hold local-specific legal clinics to address those needs. This is a much-needed approach. Rather than guessing a community’s needs, this approach involves doing a bit of homework first

One of the most exciting things I’ve read recently in the A2J space didn’t come from the courts or legal circles. Instead, it involves research about how the financial industry creates barriers for justice-involved individuals. The collateral consequences following involvement in the criminal justice system are enormous. Even after doing the time, the penalty for