I hesitated to write this blog, the subject seemed too simple and too obvious, but I have recently seen so many examples of mistakes by others, and committed a couple myself admittedly, that I decided I should. DO NOT SEND AN EMAIL OR TEXT WITHOUT CHECKING IT FOR ACCURACY, RE-READING IT. DO NOT ATTACH ANY
Never be afraid to ask
If you have been asked to do something and are unclear about the way forward, ask – don’t assume. In my view the role of any boss is to set out clearly what is expected and when. If you are in doubt then either he or she has not done so in enough detail for…
Do Not Procrastinate!
This is the advice that I have to listen to frequently myself. I am a strong analytical thinker and so I like to have time to apply that skill, I like to have all the relevant facts. My challenge is not to try and gather too many facts, to spend too long analysing them, to…
Sleep on it
The incoming email annoyed you to say the least. You have written your proposed response, controverted all of the points, dealt with all the inaccuracies, this email will really show them who is boss, press send and go home, what is more put your out of office on that you are not back now until…
Channel your fear
I am no psychologist so the thoughts that follow are simply those of my personal experience. I was moved to write this article as I recently had an insight into when a fear might be holding back an individual and their organisation. I use the word fear loosely to mean any form of worry or…
Acknowledge and Reply
I am constantly amazed at the failure of people, clients, contacts, friends, vendors, whomever to respond to texts, emails or voicemails. Failing to do so creates a vacuum into which the sender can import their worst fears, often about themselves, and damage your relationship. I will assume for the purposes of this article that you…
Active Listening
Taking instructions is a bit like having a really good conversation, both involve actively listening to the other person. My father, who was a thoughtful man, once told me, we have two ears and one mouth for a reason and we should use them in the same ratio!
I was reminded of this when I…
Under promise and over deliver
Nothing breaks trust as quickly as a broken promise. That is why I am constantly bemused by how often people set themselves deadlines that they seem incapable of meeting. As a client one has that constant let down feeling. Self-doubt creeps in, my work is not interesting enough, I am not important enough, I don’t…
Give and Earn Respect
How do you reply to a friend or colleague you trust and respect but do not know how to help? I believe starting with the truth is the best way forward. Sounds easy but do we observe it? The important thing is the respect and trust you have for each other. Don’t do anything to…
Selling yourself

Key aspects of being a successful professional is being Able, Available and Accessible. I am therefore constantly shocked by how many people do not think about Availability and Accessibility when setting up their Out of Office (0-o-O) messages. This is a key sales message to clients, contacts and colleagues. It immediately says volumes about you,…