By Blake J. Howell, Attorney at Law
Our goal at Reinisch Wilson is to avoid costly and burdensome litigation whenever possible. One area of increasing frequency relates to attending providers filing medical disputes for Department penalties alleging a failure to timely receive a medical file after requesting the records or an IME report by the
Reinisch Wilson Weier PC Blogs
Latest from Reinisch Wilson Weier PC
Legal Requirements for a Light Duty Job Offer
By Vincci W. Lam, Attorney at Law
No one wants a work injury to occur, but when it happens, the goal of the workers’ compensation system is to facilitate appropriate treatment and then bring workers back to suitable and gainful employment as efficiently as possible. Oftentimes, an employer can facilitate alternative/light duty work as a…
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Oregon
By Brian M. Solodky, Attorney at Law
Reinisch Wilson P.C. is focused on solving problems for their clients. Adjudication of disputes via trial and appeals is one method of resolving a claim. It goes without saying that the outcome of litigation in any forum can be unpredictable and always comes with some degree of risk.…
By Karen S. Varney, Attorney at Law
OAR 436-060-0095(3)(e)(I) has been revised to require different bolded language in IME notice letters. As of October 1, 2024, the bolded language in IME notice letters must state in bold:
“You must attend this examination. If there is any reason you cannot attend,
you must tell us as…
Reminder! New denial appeal language required as of November 1, 2024.
By Amy C. Osenar, Attorney at Law
I was pleased to recently serve, alongside other industry representatives, on a WCB advisory committee tasked with ensuring denial appeal language is clear and easy to understand. The goal was to allow easier access to justice and the committee worked together to address concerns from the perspectives of…
Worker Requested Medical Examination
By Kolbi Trebbien, Attorney at Law
ORS 656.325(1)(e) and OAR 436-060-0147(1) provide a way for an injured worker to request a medical examination with a physician selected by the Director, provided they meet the following requirements:
- The worker has made a timely request for a hearing on a denial of compensability;
- The denial is based
Author: Brian Solodky, Attorney at Law
The Oregon Worker’s Compensation Board recently authorized attorneys for injured workers to accept up to 25% of the total settlement amount without limitations. Prior rules capped the 25% attorney fee recovery up to $50,000.00 per Disputed Claim Settlement or Claim Disposition Agreement and 10% beyond this sum. The anticipated…
Authorization to Work in the U.S. No Longer an Eligibility Requirement for Vocational Assistance
Author: Lorrie H. Spencer, Attorney at Law
Effective July 1, 2024, workers who are unauthorized to work in the United States are no longer automatically ineligible for vocational training assistance. Click here for the Industry Notice from the Workers’ Compensation Division (WCD). A list of the changes and the revised Division 120 Rules are available…
Rule Change for Subsequent Temporary Disability Payment Schedule
Author: Lorrie H. Spencer, Attorney at Law
Effective July 1, 2024, Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 436-060-0150(4)(b), regarding the schedule for subsequent payments of temporary disability benefits issued after the first payment of temporary disability, has changed. Click here for the industry notice on this Rule change. Click here for the full revised Rule text.…
Managing Partner becomes Legal Representative for Board of Directors at WSIA

Reinisch Wilson PC is pleased to announce that our managing partner, Shawna Fruin, has been invited to serve as the legal representative on WSIA’s Board of Directors effective July 1, 2024.
Shawna has been honored to present at multiple prior WSIA conferences, including on hot topics such as the current legislative changes related to Good…