A recent caller had a scenario that we hear a lot. He is alleging that he has carpal tunnel and possibly cubital tunnel (elbow) injuries from typing all day for over five years at his current job. His doctor thinks that’s what it is and has ordered a nerve conduction study called an EMG. That
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Beware Work Comp Lawyers Not In Illinois

Workers’ compensation law is odd. It’s not like any other area of law because it has so many unique features compared to other practice categories. These aren’t lawsuits. We use Arbitrators not Judges. The burden of proof is unique. The law is constantly changing.
Not only that, unlike divorce, traffic or car accidents, the law…
Don’t Apply For Short Term Disability If Hurt At Work

If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know that we discuss how a lot of odd circumstances seem to happen in bunches. Sometimes it’s just coincidence. Other times it’s insurance companies or employers trying new strategies in order to screw legitimately injured workers in Illinois out of their rights.
An example of this…
Illinois Compartment Syndrome Attorneys
Frozen Shoulder Illinois Workers Compensation

Adhesive capsulitis, commonly known as frozen shoulder, is a condition whose primary symptoms are stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. This occurs when the capsule of connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint becomes tight and thickened, restricting its movement. It feels like your shoulder is frozen stuck, hence the name.
The Three Stages of…
IL Work Comp When Your Boss Won’t Turn Your Case In To Insurance
How To Win A Slip And Fall On Ice Lawsuit In Illinois

The weather in Illinois is brutal right now. The low in Chicago today is one degree. I guess that’s better than the minus four degrees we experienced yesterday.
With the cold weather of course comes snow and ice. That leads to a lot of slip and fall injuries unfortunately.
Regrettably a lot of the people…
Why We Couldn’t Help An Injured Worker Who Needed Neck Surgery

We LOVE to help people. While Illinois work comp law is generally great, many workers get screwed or taken advantage of, even if they don’t realize it. There aren’t many better feelings at work than knowing you helped turn a bad situation into a good one. Our state wide network of experienced Illinois work injury…
Cauda Equina And Illinois Work Injuries

Most Illinois workers’ compensation injuries aren’t catastrophic. You may have a severe injury that requires surgery like carpal tunnel, a rotator cuff tear, etc., but eventually you should make a full recovery.
Some injuries are unique or have severe complications. And if those complications aren’t addressed right away it can have life long, tragic results.…