2Civility Blog

The 2Civility Blog is a thought-provoking platform of the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism. It is a forum that provides the space to dive deeply into key issues impacting the legal profession.

Through the blog, the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism advances its mission to promote a culture of civility and inclusion within the following topics: civility, diversity and inclusion, ethics, future law, justice, law school, leadership, legal profession, mentoring, professionalism, technology, and wellness.  These topics demonstrate that the law can be both a rewarding and challenging vocation.

The 2Civility Blog is a tool to think critically about and navigate the straight lines, curves, and detours of the legal profession. Our intent is to foster an open and ongoing dialogue. Don’t delay. Join the 2Civility Blog community and conversation.

ChatGPT recently marked two years since its November 2022 release. As a Large Language Model (LLM) application that can process and generate text in real-time that resembles human language, ChatGPT represented a significant breakthrough in innovative generative AI (GenAI) systems. Similar tools followed, like Claude, Perplexity, and CoPilot.
Two years in, have you tried any

Each November, the United States observes Veterans Day, which celebrates military veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces and honors their contributions to our country.
An estimated 459,569 veterans live in Illinois representing 4.7% of the state’s population. Veterans face many of the same civil legal issues as the general population but also experience unique challenges