Latest from Blue Ocean Law Group Blog

This blog article leverages my recent work in coding a button that randomly redirects you to any website within a pre-defined list. I developed the original button for random access to our blog articles, however, the pre-defined curated URL list could include URL’s of any kind. This got me thinking that we could use this

This blog article guides you to understand the triggers that may deem you to be “Doing Business” in California, or the need to register with the Secretary of State which is possible even if your business is not based there! If deemed to be “doing business in California” your business is retrospectively liable to legal implications

This blog article aims to increase awareness about California’s new Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures Act (AB1305) which targets the increasingly concerning business practice of “greenwashing” as well as Australian & NZ efforts in the same space. The new California law requires companies or other business entities making climate-related claims in California, as well as participants