Dimensional Revolution
Although interest in the metaverse has gone up and down over the years, a recent virtual podcast featuring life-like human avatars has reignited the conversation around its potential and implications. “Where am I, where are you, Mark, where are we?” the questions that started the groundbreaking conversation between Lex Fridman and Mark Zuckerberg
Briefly: The Law Blog
Blog Authors
Latest from Briefly: The Law Blog
Revolutionizing the Legal Profession: How ChatGPT is Transforming the Way Lawyers Work
The last couple of months beheld an overwhelming amount of articles and blog posts about the recent development in AI sphere, namely about the ChatGPT 3.5 with its unfathomable possibilities. All the written works have kindled the light of interest in us, and we decided to address this novelty as well. I guess, everyone would…
Azerbaijani Supreme Court on existence of legal representative in company register despite ended employment
According to the Azerbaijani Supreme Court, the fact that employment of the company manager has ended eliminates the basis of restricting that person’s right to leave the country as per tax regulations. This “substance over form” conclusion was made in the judgment on case 2-2(102)-517/2022 dated 10 August 2022.
The case is that the tax…
Azerbaijan files lawsuit against Armenia after end of the 2020 Karabakh War
On January 15, 2020, Azerbaijan submitted an application to the European Court of Human Rights against Armenia, Azerbaijani state news agency reports. The application addresses “rights and freedoms of Azerbaijani citizens affected by Armenia’s military aggression against Azerbaijan”. This adds up another case to the list of interstate cases in the ECHR, which began…
Analysis: Is restricting online sales a violation of European competition rules?
Müəllif: Azad Məmmədli. Azad hazırda Lund Universitetində Avropa biznes hüququ üzrə magistr təhsili alır. O, 2015-ci ildə Bakı Dövlət Universiteti Hüquq fakültəsindən məzun olmuş, 2016-2018-ci illərdə Ekvita hüquq şirkətində Hüquqşünas kimi çalışmışdır.
Təhlil: Onlayn satışın məhdudlaşdırılması Avropa rəqabət qaydalarını pozurmu?
Yazının Azərbaycan dilində xülasəsi: Topdansatışla məşğul olan sahibkarlar öz mallarının internet üzərindən pərakəndə satılmasını tam…