Connecting Justice Communities

As justice advocates and non-profit technologists, we’re keenly aware that people, values, and experiences shape how technology is used – and who it serves.Throughout this year, we’ve shared stories of how Pro Bono Net’s programs couple inclusive tech and community partnerships to bring critical legal help to millions. At the heart of that impact are

Dear Pro Bono Net Partners and Supporters,Today’s election results mark a pivotal moment for all who believe in the right of every individual to live safely, securely, free from discrimination, and treated with dignity by powerful institutions. We know that policy decisions made at every level of government have real-life consequences for the communities we serve,

This Citizenship Day, we honored not only the thousands of newly naturalized citizens but also the countless individuals currently navigating their path to citizenship. Among them are millions of legal permanent residents eager to participate in our democracy and secure a brighter future for their families. Many have spent years overcoming barriers, only to find

As we celebrated the 4th of July, we were reminded of the profound impact that justice and freedom have on all lives, especially those seeking a brighter future. These values resonate deeply with our mission at Pro Bono Net, where we strive to ensure that everyone, regardless of their background or station in life, has

Amidst the buzz surrounding AI’s advancements, there’s a critical conversation missing: how ethical, responsible uses of AI can protect and promote the public interest.

At Pro Bono Net, we’re dedicated to ensuring that technology is an equalizing force in justice movements and that the needs, experiences, and well-being of vulnerable communities are prioritized in its