This video touches on many important points dealing with selecting an experienced long term disability attorney and steps taken to win a New York Life disability benefit appeal for an Estes Truck Lines diesel mechanic. Long term disability attorneys Gregory Dell and Alex Palamara discuss the basis of NY Life’s disability denial and the
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Keeping Disability Insurance Companies Honest and Helping Claimants Collect LTD or STD Benefits
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Prudential Reverses Disability Denial for Engineer with Depression
After paying 6 months of long term disability benefits for an Engineer with worsening depression, Prudential randomly decided to deny disability benefits. Long term disability attorney Rachel Alters discusses Prudential’s basis for denying benefits and the actions Rachel took to get the Prudential denial reversed.…
Unum Denied Disability Benefits to Lawyer After Paying for 18 Years
Long term disability lawyers Cesar Gavidia and Gregory Dell discuss a 6th Circuit Court of Appeals decision in which the court found that Unum’s denial of benefits to a lawyer with mental illness was improper.…
Lincoln Financial Reverses Disability Denial of Patient Care Manager
A Lincoln Financial disability denial when you transition to LTD from STD is not uncommon. Long-term disability lawyers Stephen Jessup and Gregory Dell discuss why Lincoln denied LTD benefits to our client after they had awarded her shot term disability benefits.…
KPMG Employee Wins Prudential Long Term Disability Insurance Appeal
KPMG employees have very demanding jobs and we have helped a lot of KPMG consultants. This case is a classic example of Prudential approving short term disability and then denying long term disability benefits.…
Lincoln Denies Disability Benefits to 66 Year Old Software Developer with Long Covid
Our client, a 66 year old software developer employed by Novo Nordisk was denied long term disability benefits by Lincoln Financial. How does Lincoln deny long term disability benefits to a 66 year old male that has multiple sclerosis and Long Covid?…
Banker with Cirrhosis Wins Sun Life Disability Benefit Denial Appeal
This Sun Life disability benefit denial claim came to us after many law firms rejected the claim. Sun Life was denying disability benefits due to an alcoholism exclusion and we are able to prove that our client’s cirrhosis was not related to alcohol.…
Radiologist With Depression & Anxiety Approved for Long Term Disability By Unum
This is a long term disability insurance claim where we helped a radiologist to apply and get approved for Unum long term disability benefits. This claim was challenging because our client had been treating for depression and anxiety for 5-6 years. What changed and how were we able to prove that if our client…
A Long-Term Disability Success Story for a Teacher with MS that was Denied Benefits by New York Life
Long term disability insurance attorney Stephen Jessup discusses the reasons that NY Life denied benefits and the strategy he took to get the NY Life disability denial reversed on appeal.…
Lincoln LTD Denial Reversed for an Occupational Therapist that was Denied Benefits After 24 Months
It is typical for Lincoln Financial to deny disability insurance benefits after paying for 24 months due to a change in the definition of disability from own occupation to any occupation. Disability insurance attorney Alex Palamara discusses how Lincoln wrongfully denied disability benefits and how he was able to get Lincoln to reverse their…