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Our client alert discusses the deficiencies the staff identified during examinations and provides examples of weak practices observed at firms. EXAMS staff intends for the alert to assist broker-dealers in reviewing and enhancing their Regulation Best Interest compliance programs. The alert also serves as a useful roadmap of the direction in which the staff will

Our client alert discusses FINRA’s 2023 Report on its Examination and Risk Monitoring Program, which serves as a resource for firms to use to bolster their compliance programs and provides a roadmap of FINRA’s main areas of examination for 2023.
The post FINRA 2023 Examination and Risk Monitoring Report Highlights Numerous Risk Areas for Brokers

Our client alert discuss the recent SEC amendments to Exchange Act Rule 17a-4 adopting new recordkeeping requirements for broker-dealers. Most notably, the SEC will no longer require broker-dealers to maintain records in “write once, read many” or “WORM” format. Instead, broker-dealers have the option of utilizing a new “audit trail” alternative for their electronic recordkeeping systems.

Our client alert discuss FINRA Regulatory Notice 22-31 reminding members of their regulatory obligations under Rule 4512 with respect to “Trusted Contact Persons” or “TCPs,” explaining the benefits of designating TCPs, and providing resources to educate customers about the role and value of TCPs. Perhaps the most significant section of the notice is the non-exhaustive

Our client alert discuss recent SEC rulemakings covering proposed new “Regulation Best Execution” (new Exchange Act Rules 1100, 1101, and 1102 establishing a best execution standard and requiring robust policies and procedures for firms engaging in certain conflicted transactions with retail customers); a proposed new “Order Competition Rule” (new Exchange Act Rule 616, including requiring certain retail equity