The uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has rocked the global economy, and companies of all types and sizes are feeling the impacts. In recent weeks, certain high-profile retailers filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Some airlines are expected to enter bankruptcy as well, and even farmers are feeling the pinch. Overall, data suggest that bankruptcies
Global Restructuring Watch
Providing updates and commentary on global restructuring and bankruptcy law
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Weathering the Storm: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Hospitality Industry and the Path Forward
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the hospitality industry is being hit particularly hard. Reservations and travel are down, while cancellations are up. The hotel sector in particular is facing momentous challenges, which is having a significant impact on the economy due to the fact that the hotel industry represents a significant segment of the US…
Focusing on the Three C’s in the Face of COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold across the country, voluntary self-isolation efforts and a proliferation of state and local “shelter-in-place” orders have brought business activity to a screeching halt. As business leaders work feverishly to consider the options available to safeguard their companies, we recommend that they keep in mind the three C’s: Care,…
What do House of Fraser, Byron Burger, Carluccios, Mothercare, Prezzo and Carpetright have in common?
These are just a few of the big high street names which have sought to compromise their obligations to creditors in recent months via a company voluntary arrangement (CVA).
CVAs are designed as a flexible method by which companies can seek to contractually alter their position regarding different creditors – each CVA will be different,…
Recovering Rent After A CVA
A new wave of CVAs?
A company voluntary arrangement (CVA) is, provided the voting thresholds are met, a binding agreement made between a company and its creditors, designed to compromise a company’s obligations to its creditors.
As retailers and restaurateurs across the UK continue to show signs of financial distress, interest in the use of…
Rights of Third Parties Put on Notice of Freezing Orders – A Clarification from the Court
Reed Smith recently released a client alert regarding a decision this week, in which the English High Court has clarified the extent of a third party secured creditor’s duties, when put on notice of a freezing order, and suggested a more limited duty than that previously articulated by the court. Notwithstanding this, the position remains…
A lifeboat with conditions: new guidance from the PPF
The Pension Protection Fund (“PPF”) has updated its approach to employer restructuring guidance and its general guidance for restructuring and insolvency professionals. These documents set out certain criteria that should be met when making proposals to the PPF in respect of a sponsoring employer suffering an insolvency event.
1. The PPF Approach to Employer Restructuring:…
May Newsletter
Reed Smith’s global Commercial Restructuring & Bankruptcy team have recently published the May issue of their quarterly newsletter. The newsletter provides a detailed review of some of the most important legal developments in the sector. The May issue includes the following:
- How Safe are the Bankruptcy Code Safe Harbors?
- Stockton’s Chapter 9 Plan Approval
- Delaware
Privy Council hands down judgment in PwC v Saad Investments Company and Singularis Holdings v PwC
Singularis Holdings Limited v PricewaterhouseCoopers [2014] UKPC 36
PricewaterhouseCoopers v Saad Investments Company Limited [2014] UKPC 35
The Privy Council gives credence to the concept of “modified universalism” (being the court’s common law power to assist foreign winding up proceedings) and notes some of the circumstances which would permit a “stranger” to a winding up…
Continuity of certain essential IT supplies to insolvent business
The consultation on the new powers introduced by the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 to help ensure the continuity of certain essential IT supplies to insolvent business closed today, 8 October.
Section 233 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (the “Act”), currently allows for an administrator to receive continued utility supplies by agreeing to…