Government Construction Law Update

Developments in government construction contract law

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A no-damages-for-delay clause can bar contractor claims for additional costs a contractor incurs due to delay on a project. Such clauses can be controversial, and at least one state—Virginia—has enacted a statute limiting the use of no-damages-for-delay clauses on public construction projects.

Regardless, many courts will enforce a no-damages-for-delay clause. But there can be

Many construction contracts require a contractor or subcontractor to continue to work during a pending dispute between an owner and a contractor or a contractor and subcontractor. One purpose of requiring continued performance is to ensure that good faith disputes will not prevent the timely completion of a project.

Will a continue-performance-during-disputes clause prevent a

I have written many posts about the enforceability of liquidated damages clauses in construction contracts—a topic that interests many people in the construction industry.

Occasionally, you may see an owner argue that under a liquidated damages provision, the owner has the option to either assess liquidated damages for the late completion of a

There are many important provisions to include in joint-venture agreements between contractors pursuing a project. (For a list of five important provisions to include in joint-venture agreements, click here.) One important thing to address in a joint-venture agreement is how capital contributions will be handled.

Here are questions to consider when drafting a capital

Builder’s risk insurance is a type of property insurance that covers damage to a project under construction. A builder’s risk policy is a no-fault form of insurance—it doesn’t matter who is responsible for the loss, builder’s risk will typically cover the loss.

There are times where a contractor’s faulty workmanship may cause a loss to