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The IDEA protects students with disabilities in disciplinary
proceedings that may result in long term suspension or expulsion. Suspension
over 10 days in a school year requires a Manifestation Determination Review
(MDR) (see below). A student with a disability (with an IEP) may be suspended
for up to 10 school days in a school year

By Hope Kirsch, Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch, PLLC,288281If your child is struggling at all — in school work (academics), making friends, teachers complaining about behavior, almost anything that concerns you or the teachers — the school should be notifying you and suggesting to meet to evaluate the child for a 504 plan (accommodations) or

Thee United States Department of Education will be issuing guidance to schools notifying them that regardless of the COVID pandemic or how instructino is provided, students with disabilities must still receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and that infants and toddlers with disabilities and