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The 28th Annual Western Conference on Tax-Exempt Organizations (WCTEO), my #1 go-to conference every year for the past 19 years, will be held in Los Angeles on Thursday, February 27, and Friday, February 28. You can join a waitlist for the sold-out conference by emailing

The UCLA School of Law Lowell Milken Center for

The Committee on Nonprofit Organizations of the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section is calling for nominations for the “2025 Outstanding Nonprofit Lawyer Awards.” The Committee presents the Awards annually to outstanding lawyers in the categories of Academic, Attorney, Nonprofit In-House Counsel, and Young Attorney (under 35 years old or in practice for less than

I started NEO Law Group twenty years ago in January 2005. And I’ve had the immense pleasure of spending over twelve of those years working with my co-principal/business partner Erin Bradrick and our senior counsel Michele Berger. I’m also very grateful for our nonprofit clients, our colleagues, and our friends doing such important work and