The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act (“Act”) has several “offsets,” which provide a workers’ comp insurer with a credit for other types of benefits received by an injured worker, such as unemployment compensation, Social Security Retirement (“SSR”), severance and pension benefits. These offsets were created to avoid a perceived “double dipping” by an injured worker, getting
Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Blog
Latest from Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Blog - Page 2
When PA Workers’ Compensation Insurer Is Not Bound By Stipulation
When we litigate cases in the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation system, we often resolve such matters through a Stipulation of Facts. This agreement of the parties is then approved by a Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ) and has the same effect as any other decision of a WCJ. This kind of resolution often can resolve disputes quickly…
Notice of a Work Injury in PA Workers’ Compensation
No matter what kind of company one works for, as long as one is an “employee,” as defined in the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act (and not otherwise excluded by other laws, such as federal employees, military personnel, maritime workers and railroad workers), one is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if an injury is suffered while…
PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Seminar Will Cause Brilliant & Neiman to be Closed May 30, 2024 and May 31, 2024
On May 30, 2024 and May 31, 2024, the annual Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation “Workers’ Compensation Conference” will take place in Hershey, PA. Here, attorneys, Workers’ Compensation Judges (WCJs), employer representatives, adjusters, risk management/safety employees and others who work in the world of workers’ comp across the entire State of PA, gather to discuss…
Attorneys for Injured Workers Can Get 20% of Medical Bills
The standard fee agreement in Pennsylvania workers’ compensation is 20% of the benefits obtained or awarded to an injured worker. PA Courts have found this amount to be reasonable, and it remains the standard charged. Historically, this pertained just to wage loss, or what we call “indemnity” benefits.
This was somewhat changed by a 2020…
PA Workers’ Compensation Judge has Ultimate Ability to Render Credibility Determinations
The Pennsylvania appellate courts have consistently determined that a Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ) is the final arbiter of credibility in a PA workers’ compensation case. Short of finding that a credibility determination by the WCJ is “arbitrary and capricious,” these determinations are to be accepted by the courts. This makes sense, since it is the…
Brilliant & Neiman LLC Celebrates Twenty Years of Helping Injured Workers
Twenty years ago today. The Incredibles was on the big screen. Friends and Frasier were both finishing up their long runs on network television (remember network television?). The Super Bowl that year featured the infamous “wardrobe malfunction.” And, Brilliant & Neiman LLC was formed to help injured workers’ with their Pennsylvania workers’ compensation cases.
Brilliant & Neiman Partner Glenn Neiman Named Co-Chair of Bucks County Bar Association’s Workers’ Compensation Section
We are proud to announce that Glenn Neiman, one of our partners, has been named as Co-Chair of the Bucks County Bar Association’s Workers’ Compensation Section. This is the second term Mr. Neiman has served in this capacity, previously serving as Co-Chair of the Workers’ Compensation Section in 2010 and 2011.
Joining Mr. Neiman is…
PA Workers’ Compensation Maximum Rate for 2024 Announced
The Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation has released the maximum workers’ compensation rate for injuries suffered in 2024. This is based upon the statewide average weekly wage. For injuries suffered in 2024, the maximum workers’ comp rate will be $1,325.00 per week. This is up from the 2023 maximum rate of $1,273.00.
As with have…
Injured Worker in PA Has Concurrent Employment When Employment Relationships are “Sufficiently Intact”
One of the most important determinations in any PA workers’ compensation case is the Average Weekly Wages (AWW). As we have explained in prior blog posts, if an injured worker has been employed for over a year, and is not paid a fixed amount each pay period, the AWW is determined by dividing the year…