Earlier this week, Nebraska enacted the Nebraska Hemp Farming Act, which allows the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) to regulate the growing, cultivation, processing, and brokering of industrial hemp.  
Starting, Monday February 3, 2020, the NDA will be accepting applications for licenses to allow Nebraskans to grow and deal with hemp.  Specifically, there are separate

In November 2018, Missouri passed a Constitutional Amendment allowing medical marijuana.
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is required to approve or deny applications by January 16, 2020, for those that will assist as a transportation, testing, cultivation, dispensary, or manufacturing facility was August 19, 2019. 

In November 2018, Missouri passed a Constitutional Amendment allowing medical marijuana.
The deadline to submit an application to assist as a transportation, testing, cultivation, dispensary, or manufacturing facility was August 19, 2019.  The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is required to approve or deny applications by January 16, 2020.

Several states that the Goosmann Law Firm attorneys practice in have enacted statutes allowing medical marijuana.
A few of those are Missouri, North Dakota, and Minnesota. These statutes allowing medical marijuana are technically in conflict with federal law.  There has been an add-on to federal spending bills called the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment which prohibits the Justice

Many states, including Nebraska and South Dakota have registration or filing requirements for franchises.  Businesses may not realize that their business model could be considered a franchise in some states.  If a court finds that your business is a franchise, you may be prohibited from ending your business’ relationship with a customer.