In employment lawsuits, the nub of the matter is often the alleged pretext. The employer argues the personnel decisions as completely normal and free of discriminatory bias. The plaintiff argues the opposite, that the employer’s decision does not withstand scrutiny. In Texas Tech Univ. Health Sciences Center v. Flores, No. 22-0940 (Tex. Dec. 31, 2024),
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Attacks on Judges Proliferate
I first wrote about attacks on judges in 2011 and 2012. Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the U.S. House, even joined in on attacks on Judge Fred Biery in San Antonio. That was in 2011 and 2012. See those posts here. Those attacks have continued. Candidate and later Pres. Trump has now raised attacks…
TWC Trumped by Politics
The decision in Bostock v. Clayton County Georgia, 590 U.S. 644 (2020) was rendered in 2020. In that decision, the U.S. Supreme Court resolved a long-standing issue: does Title VII apply to homosexual based claims? Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on sex. Does “sex” include same sex? Yes,…
Jurors Need to Pay Attention
Why do folks avoid jury duty? One reason is some, probably most people are just busy. Some people can multi-task. But, one juror learned the hard way that multi-tasking while sitting on a jury has consequences. Sallie Sue Smith was told she could not work on crossword puzzles while she should be listening and watching…
Federal Workers and Project 2025
I previously wrote about the potential effect of Project 2025 on the private sector workforce here. But, what about the Federal workforce? Well, looking at the book’s discussion of the Federal workforce, we enter the bizarro world of right-wing politics.
Right off the bat, the book claims that today, Federal workers are not held…
Project 2025 and Workers
There has been much talk about Project 2025, a book published by the Heritage Foundation. Many of the authors were major players in the last Trump administration. So, we can expect the contents of the almost 900 page book to fuel many policy proposals in a new Trump administration, if there is one. The book…
97 Year Old Judge
Federal judges are judges for life. Pauline Newman was appointed to the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in 1984. The court hears patent claims and customs issues. In 2023, responding to complaints by staff that Judge Newman was being abusive, the judicial council for the Federal Circuit suspended Judge Newman, saying she had shown signs…
Rudy Giuliani Disbarred
Infowars to Be Sold
So, now Infowars will be auctioned off. Alex Jones opposed the move in a Houston bankruptcy court. But, theJudge found that was the way to best satisfy the judgments against the conspiracy theorist. See CBS news report here. I previously wrote about Alex Jones and the lawsuits against him here and here.
Things Employers Can Ask in a Job Interview
There are several things an employer can ask in an interview. Let’s discuss a few.
1. How old are you? This is not a good question to ask. There are very few jobs in which age is a legitimate requirement for the job. Inevitably, this question will suggest age bias. It is best to not…