Sexual Abuse Claims Blog

McKiggan Hebert’s Sexual Abuse Claims Blog has news, cases and commentary about sexual abuse claims including child safety and prevention of child abuse, sexual abuse by clergy and priests, doctor sexual abuse, elder and nursing home abuse, sexual abuse by teachers, Residential School claims, and the statute of limitations in abuse claims.

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Is there anything more anxiety-inducing for a parent than dropping their child off at daycare for the first time?

Daycares provide an invaluable service to many families whose primary caregivers have to work long hours to support their young families. However, media reports have drawn attention to horrible incidents where children are being abused by

While the majority of adults working in schools across Canada are unequivocally dedicated to making schools a safe, positive environment for children, there are those who seek to use their position of power for more nefarious purposes. Tragically some teachers have used the positions of trust and authority to abuse the children in their care.

The nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States has dominated headlines in the last week due to allegations of sexual assault brought forward by Christine Blasey Ford. Even as Kavanaugh vehemently denies the allegations made against him, and President Trump openly mocks her allegations, what makes her heroic testimony