In Part 2 of this podcast, Jared and I continue our wild ride through the ethics of using Artificial (or Alternative) Intelligence in your law practice as we encounter AI hallucinations, pitfalls and legal traps. (We cover such a wide swath it takes up two podcasts). And, like is our tradition, we wander into some
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Let’s Learn the Ethics of Using AI…for Lawyers (Part 1) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia
In this podcast, Jared and I take you on a wild ride through the ethics of using Artificial (or Alternative) Intelligence in your law practice as we encounter AI hallucinations, pitfalls and legal traps. We cover such a wide swath it takes up two podcasts. And, like is our tradition, we wander into some fantastical…
15 Years….And Our Gift To You!
Solo Practice University® is celebrating 15 years…15 years of education, support and never-ending contribution to helping lawyers go out on their own as they discover that, with a little hard work and guidance, they can be their own boss. And we have a gift for you!Written by Susan Cartier Liebel
How Do You Market A New Law Firm or Relaunch Your Current Firm? – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia
How do you launch a new law firm? What is your ‘go to market plan’ for your solo practice? Or, if you are relaunching how do you tackle marketing in an effective way? Jared shares an abundance of information to help you meet your goals. Listen and learn. Written by Susan Cartier Liebel…
How to Hire & Retain Talent in 2024 and Beyond – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia
You are not having problems with getting the work. But you ARE having problems getting the talent to help you produce that work, service these clients. It’s not an uncommon dilemma. Post-pandemic it’s become an employee-centric market meaning those who are out looking for the jobs have all the power. How do you hire in…
Wow! Why Lawyers Need to Cold Contact and How To Do It Effectively – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia
Do lawyers needs to cold call? Seriously? Yes. In today’s environment lawyers need to have a robust program for cold calling and how you can do it effectively and efficiently and without violating the rules against solicitation. Yes…listen to this. You will be glad you did.Written by Susan Cartier Liebel
Days of Future Passed – Law Practice in 2025 (Part 6) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia
We are concluding this incredible series of Days of Future Passed – Law Practice in 2025 discussing meeting clients’ new demands of you and your practice including implementing: Efficiences Data Security KPIs Analytics Collaboration Sharing Embedding Outside Counsel If you are looking to build your presence with a serious marketing effort that is progressive, you’ll…
The Magic of Key Performance Indicators (Part 2) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia
In part 1 we discovered the magic of KPIs, basically analytics for Attorneys. Sounds dry (even I thought so when Jared presented the topic) but I soon learned it isn’t. It’s quite fascinating because at the end of the day it is measuring whether what you are doing is working and it’s not cookie cutter.…
The Magic of Key Performance Indicators (Part 1) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia
The acronym KPI (Key Performance Indicators) often strikes terror in the uninitiated lawyer. However, they are not only nothing to fear but a simple documentable measure you should embrace. KPIs are simply measurements of performance and they can measure anything you are doing; how many clients you close from leads, your collection rate, the number…
How to Make Your Clients Love You
Are you doing what it takes to cultivate a loyal, happy customer base?
75% of businesses believe they go the extra mile for the people they serve—but only 30% of consumers agree. That divide can hurt your reputation, alienate your customers, and most importantly, have a very real impact on your bottom line.
Level up…