Unfortunately, based on a reputation for being somewhat boiler-plate, notice provisions are often not given the care and attention in negotiations they deserve. In practice, however, notice provisions are crucial – if they are incorrect or service of notice is impossible, you cannot enforce your rights. For the derivatives market, ISDA has proposed an innovative
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Will GenAi make derivatives markets safer and more efficient?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the financial industry, and the derivatives market is no exception. A new whitepaper from ISDA Future Leaders in Derivatives (IFLD), a professional development program for emerging leaders in the derivatives market, explores the potential use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in the derivatives markets. GenAI is a branch of AI that…
An overview of Crypto Derivatives
Crypto is booming again. Are you a bull? In which case you might like to purchase a derivative to gain a leveraged long exposure (a call option or long forward/future). Are you a bear? In which case you might like to purchase a derivative to hedge your downside (a put option or short forward/future). All…
Respect my authority: considering capacity to enter into swaps
In Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Commerzbank and Dexia Credit Local v Provincia di Catanzaro [2023] EWHC 3309 (Comm), the High Court granted summary judgment in favour of the joint bank claimants against the Italian public authority, Provincia di Catanzaro (“Catanzaro”). This is the latest in a succession of cases in which Italian local authorities have…
Responsible derivatives? New standard clauses for ESG derivatives
Despite some counter-revolutionary forces, especially in the US, it seems likely that environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns will continue to be increasingly significant factors in the structuring and execution of derivative transactions. We have covered the growth of the ESG derivative market (sometimes referred to as sustainability-linked derivatives) on the Long and Short of…
Webinar: SMAs, AMCs, and Other Actively Managed Products: US Legal Considerations – 25 January 2024
Financial products that provide structured returns (exposure to a range of asset classes while attempting to mitigate credit or other risks) such as separately managed accounts, actively managed certificates and related products, are becoming increasingly popular. These products may be issued in varying formats that may subject to different regulatory frameworks. Some products may be…
On Notice: developments in delivery of notices under the ISDA Master Agreement
Effectively delivering notices under commercial contracts is not as straight-forward as it maybe ought to be, with different contracts requiring different methods of delivery, different content and different timelines. Often these boiler-plate provisions are not treated with the same vigour as the commercial provisions of a contract in negotiations, meaning they can be left containing…
Webinar: Emissions-Linked Trading in the US and EU
The underlying rationale for emissions trading is that derivatives could save the planet or, at the least, could be an influence for good.
Emissions trading is an asset class which is purely a creature of regulation, and that leads to many intricacies, nuances, and traps for the unwary, which are not found in other types…
Webinar: Repack Programs: Structuring and Legal Considerations – September 7, 2023
Whether to address funding diversification objectives, liquidity management plans, risk-based capital concerns, or other goals, many issuers consider establishing repackaging programs. These programs can take many forms but generally raise a number of structuring and legal considerations that should be addressed early in the planning process. Join our experts in an upcoming webinar discussion of…
REVERSEinquiries Workshop: Is NAIC Poised to Take a Fresh Approach to Its Investment-Related Initiatives?
In the midst of multiple NAIC initiatives aimed at radically changing the regulatory treatment of insurer investments, the chair of the NAIC’s Financial Condition (E) Committee released a strongly-worded memo on August 3 which looks to be a game-changer that could well lead to a major change of direction for those initiatives. This unexpected and…