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A branch of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
within the Executive Office of the President that is tasked with reviewing
drafts of proposed and final regulations. The
Winter Soldier Congress
established the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980. OIRA is comprised of five subject-matter offices
and is

This month’s Wonkology is an interdisciplinary collaboration between Thompson Coburn’s Lobbying & Policy and Higher Education practices. An administrative process used by federal agencies during which a proposed rule is debated and developed by relevant interest groups and agency representatives.  Best Thing Since Sliced Bread The concept of a negotiated rulemaking, colloquially known as “neg reg,” was hatched in the 1970s when

A voluntary
membership organization in Congress centering around a particular issue or
cause. For the
First Time in Forever Though they
are not mentioned in the Constitution, caucuses, sometimes referred to as
Congressional Member Organizations (CMOs), have been a part of American
government since the earliest days of the republic. Members of Congress have
always coalesced around

The order in which government leaders are tasked with
performing the duties of the president if the incumbent cannot carry out the
office’s responsibilities.    Veep Article II of
the Constitution establishes the presidential succession sequence. The vice president
is to serve when the president is unable to discharge their duties. Further, Article
II directs Congress to

A procedural rule that allows leadership of both the majority and minority parties in the House of Representatives to have unlimited speaking time at the end of debate.    Remember the Time As debate concludes on legislative business, the speaker, majority leader, and minority leader can be recognized for a “magic minute.” Despite the name, the magic minute

 A special parliamentary period when the Senate provides its prerogative on treaties, nominations, and other business. Executive Time    The Founders established Executive Session in Article II, Section II of the Constitution, and it is a process that is unique to the Senate. Guidelines for the different categories of Executive Sessions are authorized in Senate Rule