Corporate & Commercial

Co-authored by Sheena Wang and Ellie Purnell of HGF limited, “CRISPR and Agriculture” was originally published by Food and Drink Technology on January 29, 2025. To access the article on the Food and Drink Technology website, please click here.

Modern gene-editing technology, such as CRISPR/Cas technology, represents a ground-breaking advancement that has transformed our

As proxy season kicks off, companies should be mindful of their disclosure obligations regarding related-person transactions, especially those involving immediate family members of executive officers and directors.  On January 15, 2025, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) announced the settlement of an enforcement action against a publicly traded software and payment processing company (the “Company”),

Whistleblower lawyers everywhere have banded together after a District Court ruled that the qui tam provision of the False Claims Act (FCA) is unconstitutional. This case could change fraud enforcement nationwide and destroy a tool for protecting Government funds. Amongst those defending the constitutionality of the provision are a group of whistleblower relators. In response,

In September 2024, the SEC amended the rules and forms that govern how filers access and interact with its EDGAR electronic filing system. These amendments, which the SEC refers to as EDGAR Next, will replace the current password-based access system.
The EDGAR Next amendments become effective on March 24, 2025. Filers that have password-based