Katz Melinger PLLC

At Katz Melinger PLLC, we frequently hear from people experiencing or witnessing workplace harassment. Whether it’s verbal abuse, unwanted physical contact, or discriminatory behavior, workplace harassment can occur in many forms and leave you feeling vulnerable, confused, or afraid. We understand the courage it takes to speak up, and the concerns you may have about

Workplace discrimination creates immense personal and professional hardships for those targeted. Recognizing when to take action and understanding the laws and regulations that govern these cases is important, but these rules are complex and involve federal, state, and even New York City-specific regulations. Working with an employment lawyer in New York is important to ensure

 The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 sets the rules requiring overtime pay for many employees who work more than 40 hours per week. But in the almost 90 years since its passage, the FLSA has prevented most truck drivers from receiving overtime pay. This could finally change however, as lawmakers in both

As an employee in New York or New Jersey, you have legal rights that protect you in the workplace. You also have specific rights as a NYC employee, and an employee rights lawyer familiar with all the state and local laws is the best situated to help you fight for your rights and for fair

Wrongful termination is all-too common, but in New Jersey and New York, the challenge lies in proving that the termination was not just unfair, but legally wrongful according to the complicated state and local laws at play. Working with a qualified wrongful termination lawyer in NYC is important in proving your claim. Step 1: Laying